2020年6月17日 星期三

Pooling Samples Technique

Pooling Samples Technique

以前體檢隊慣用的手法,常被批評為偷雞摸狗的方法。如今美國FDA(June 16, 2020) 無症狀者的COVID-19大量篩檢可以這樣做,還稱之為是一種技術。可降低大量篩檢所投入的資源,並更快發出篩檢報告。


FDA提醒採用pooling samples technique,必須先通過方法確認(validation)。醫檢師又有新課題可以探討了。

FDA statement:
In order to preserve testing resources, many developers are interested in performing their testing using a technique of “pooling” samples. This technique allows a lab to mix several samples together in a “batch” or pooled sample and then test the pooled sample with a diagnostic test......................However, because samples are diluted, which could result in less viral genetic material available to detect, there is a greater likelihood of false negative results, particularly if not properly validated.
This method works well when there is a low prevalence of cases, meaning more negative results are expected.

